Frequently Asked Questions


For any inquiries, please reach out to us at

Yes, orders can be canceled within a specific timeframe (if the order has not yet been shipped). Please refer to our cancellation policy or contact customer support for assistance.

During checkout, there will be an option to enter your gift card or promotional code. Simply input the code, and the discount will be applied to your order.

We recommend referring to our detailed size guide, available on the product page, to find your perfect fit. Additionally you can write to us in the chat/email and we will answer you as soon as possible.

Discounts and promotions are automatically applied at checkout, provided the necessary conditions are met. For specific promotions, please review the terms and conditions.


For details on how to return an item, please visit our Return Policy page.

Yes, exchanges are possible within the stipulated return period. Please refer to our Return/exchange policy for more information.

Sale or promotional items are subject to specific return conditions, which can be found in our Return Policy.

To start a return, please visit our Returns Center or contact our customer service team.


Delivery costs vary based on your location and the shipping method selected. Detailed pricing information is provided during checkout.

Delivery times vary depending on your location and the shipping method chosen. Estimated delivery times are provided at checkout. When your order leaves the warehouse, you will receive an email with your tracking number to track your package. This tracking number will be activated between 24 to 48 hours after you receive it.

Yes, once your order is shipped, you will receive a tracking number via email to monitor your order’s progress.

Currently, we do not offer in-store pickup. All orders are shipped directly to your provided address.

Shop with Confidence

Knowing that BareLuv is committed to providing you with quality products, exceptional service, and a seamless shopping experience.

Bareluv: Your Style, Unwrapped!

Bareluv: Your Style, Unwrapped!

Imagine a world where your clothes are more than just fabric. They're a reflection of your soul, your personality, your unique story. That's the vision behind Bareluv.

We're all about embracing your inner rebel, your quirky side, and your fearless spirit. Our clothes are designed to make you feel confident, empowered, and totally you. Think denim that's as comfortable as your favorite pair of jeans and dresses that make you feel like a million bucks.

Bareluv isn't just a brand; it's a movement. It's about celebrating your body, expressing yourself, and living life to the fullest. So, let's get bare with our style and show the world who you really are!